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The artist

Leah painting.JPG

Welcome to my website! I am originally from New Westminster, Canada, currently living in Wellington, New Zealand.


I have been interested in art and all things creative since I was a young child. It initially began with me having fun as a kid entering as many colouring contests as I could get my hands on and helping childhood friends with their drawing homework. My interest grew in high school where I was able to take classes every year consistently and definitely became what you would call an "art geek," choosing art class as my creative elective each year.  



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Following high school, I dabbled here and there with acrylic painting and coloured pencil drawings for gifts for family and friends, but left it at that deciding to pursue a career in the sciences. 


For many years now, I have been working in healthcare. As much as it has been interesting learning about the human body coupled with the great satisfaction of helping people in a meaningful way, there has been an ever growing yearning in my heart to follow the passion that has always been inside me but I have never fully embraced or nurtured. A spark was ignited in me after completing my piece "The Lion," for a birthday gift in 2018. Ever since, I decided to continue on this new path as an artist, dedicating much more time to it. In 2019, I had my first experience competing in an exhibition at the Tasman National Art Awards. 


In March 2020, when COVID-19 hit and New Zealand went into lockdown I felt a sudden shift inside me; the final push I needed to give my creativity more space in my life now. Currently, I am pursuing my passions spending my days painting and growing as an artist. 



Follow my artistic journey on instagram: 




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